QOTD: What's The Worst Road Rage You've Witnessed?

Tim Healey
by Tim Healey

A week or so ago, I was on the freeway and I saw a road-rage battle playing out in real time.

I wish I could've filmed the incident, but there was obviously no way to do so safely, at least not without a dash cam. I didn't see what started it, but someone in a bro-dozer pickup must've pissed off someone in an old, beat-up Mercedes. The Merc continued to speed up, get in front of the truck, and then brake-check him. The two vehicles eventually came to a full stop just up the road from me and I thought it might get worse -- but the truck owner drove around and the situation seemed defused.

Believe it or not, I haven't seen a ton of crazy road-rage incidents, at least not beyond the occasional one-finger salute. But maybe you have?

If so, let's hear your stories.

You know what to do: Sound off below.

[Image: Phoenixns/Shutterstock.com]

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Tim Healey
Tim Healey

Tim Healey grew up around the auto-parts business and has always had a love for cars — his parents joke his first word was “‘Vette”. Despite this, he wanted to pursue a career in sports writing but he ended up falling semi-accidentally into the automotive-journalism industry, first at Consumer Guide Automotive and later at Web2Carz.com. He also worked as an industry analyst at Mintel Group and freelanced for About.com, CarFax, Vehix.com, High Gear Media, Torque News, FutureCar.com, Cars.com, among others, and of course Vertical Scope sites such as AutoGuide.com, Off-Road.com, and HybridCars.com. He’s an urbanite and as such, doesn’t need a daily driver, but if he had one, it would be compact, sporty, and have a manual transmission.

More by Tim Healey

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  • Paxman356 Paxman356 1 hour ago
    I was merging onto the highway closest to my house during rush hour. I was trying to merge respectfully, with the zipper, and one guy in a beat up Cavalier wasn't having it. I gave him the "why?!??!" look when he rolled down his window, produced an axe from the passenger seat, waved it at me and said, "I don't have to let you in!!!" I didn't know whether to laugh or worry, but I did let him go his merry way.
  • Theflyersfan Theflyersfan 23 minutes ago
    Damn...road rage went from flipping the bird, brake checking, and yelling at the other car with your windows up to people arming themselves with medieval weaponry and actually killing someone. I'm thinking Texas and/or Florida was the scene of the crime. No chance in topping the above, but I did witness road rage meets laws of physics and tosses in blind stupidity and I might have mentioned this before. This was about 15 years ago on I-74 leaving Cincinnati. A few here know this part of the highway. It is snowing like crazy. The roads are sheets of ice. And there's a very long sweeping bend. I barely have traction and a beat up Chevy truck is riding my bumper by inches. I get close to the bend and there's a long line of cars. The right lane was passable by going slow. The left lane was a sheet. So I ease off of the throttle and downshift for engine braking. The hill jack driver in the truck rolls his window down and is yelling for me to speed up. Not a chance Skippy... So in his rage, he peels off into the ice covered left lane. He guns the throttle and after maybe 100 feet, loses all traction, hits the embankment, and rolls the truck. .It gets better. There's a snow-covered Golden Retriever riding in the bed. As soon as the truck started to roll, the dog bails out, crosses the interstate and vanishes. And the driver didn't seem to be raging any longer...
  • Funky D So, you can only buy a Dodge/Ram truck with an undersized turbo 6? Hard pass.
  • ToolGuy Do people actually not wear a seatbelt in 2024? Serious question. What would the thinking be that would lead you to not do that. (For the clueless, there are many ways that your car cannot help you if you are unbelted in a collision.)
  • Theflyersfan Damn...road rage went from flipping the bird, brake checking, and yelling at the other car with your windows up to people arming themselves with medieval weaponry and actually killing someone. I'm thinking Texas and/or Florida was the scene of the crime. No chance in topping the above, but I did witness road rage meets laws of physics and tosses in blind stupidity and I might have mentioned this before. This was about 15 years ago on I-74 leaving Cincinnati. A few here know this part of the highway. It is snowing like crazy. The roads are sheets of ice. And there's a very long sweeping bend. I barely have traction and a beat up Chevy truck is riding my bumper by inches. I get close to the bend and there's a long line of cars. The right lane was passable by going slow. The left lane was a sheet. So I ease off of the throttle and downshift for engine braking. The hill jack driver in the truck rolls his window down and is yelling for me to speed up. Not a chance Skippy... So in his rage, he peels off into the ice covered left lane. He guns the throttle and after maybe 100 feet, loses all traction, hits the embankment, and rolls the truck. .It gets better. There's a snow-covered Golden Retriever riding in the bed. As soon as the truck started to roll, the dog bails out, crosses the interstate and vanishes. And the driver didn't seem to be raging any longer...
  • ToolGuy Ford Motor Company is the most technologically advanced company in the most technologically advanced industry on the planet.
  • Paxman356 I was merging onto the highway closest to my house during rush hour. I was trying to merge respectfully, with the zipper, and one guy in a beat up Cavalier wasn't having it. I gave him the "why?!??!" look when he rolled down his window, produced an axe from the passenger seat, waved it at me and said, "I don't have to let you in!!!" I didn't know whether to laugh or worry, but I did let him go his merry way.