Geely To Get Hands On Juicy Volvo Technology

IP squad, to the front! SinoCast, relying on information from a “top executive of Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd.” says that Geely will buy 100 percent of Volvo, “including the ownership of existing technologies in the fields of safety and environmental protection, as well as technologies of new car models.”

Before, it was reported that Ford could hold back some sensitive technology, namely new environmental and safety gear. Nothing doing, says Geely. Also, Geely seeks to get their hands on advanced hybrid and electric car technologies jointly developed by Volvo and Vattenfall.

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China Invades Small Caucasus Town

China’s Geely has joined other manufacturers such as Chevrolet, Ford, Hyundai, Renault, Kia, and Toyota, and launched a production line in Russia. Geely opened a plant in Russia’s Caucasus republic of Karachay-Cherkessia, China’s state news agency Xinhua reports.

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Mazda And Ford Divorce In China

Divorce Sunday: Mazda and Ford will dissolve their joint venture partnership in China by 2012, The Nikkei [sub] writes.

The Chang’an Ford Mazda Automobile Co. has been producing cars since 2006. The JV is 50 percent owned by Chang’an, 35 percent by Ford and 15 percent by Mazda.

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Ford Sticks With Geely On Volvo Deal. Needs Volvo As Customer And Supplier

“Ford is trying to get the deal done with Zhejiang Geely Holding Group within the next several weeks,” a Ford spokesman said to Dow Jones Newswire. Ford is sticking with Geely, and is pouring cold water on rumors that Ford is entertaining other bids and bidders.

Sweden’s Dagens Industri had reported on Tuesday that Volvo’s CEO Stephen Odell had intimated that “Ford is open to talk with others. Those who say that the door is shut can go to Ford and talk with them whenever they like.” Looks like it’s wishful thinking. Sure, anybody can talk to Ford (if their call is taken.) But they will receive only one answer: “No.”

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Chinese/Danish Plug-In To Hit Europe

The good folks at Autocar report that an electric polar bear, made in China, will be unleashed on Europe this spring.

The Nanoq – meaning polar bear in Greenland – is a small and supposedly five seat plug-in. It will be manufactured as a joint venture between China’s Geely and Danish company Lynx. Geely provides the car, Lynx supplies the electrical components and a new lithium battery pack.

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Quote Of The Day: Coming To America Edition

We also recognize there is a market (for the Nano) not only in developing countries, but possibly in the developed countries. For the United States we need a car which has a larger engine and we need additional crash test modifications and we are in the process of doing it.

Ratan Tata at today’s India Auto Expo [via Automotive News [sub]], suggesting that the world’s cheapest car could eventually be sold in the US. Fiat is already partnering with Tata to jointly sell the Nano in Latin American markets, so there’s a chance that the Indian city car could eventually show up at Chrysler dealerships.

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Chinese Government Lends Strong Support (And Money) To Volvo Deal

While Tengzhong is still waiting for government approval for its Hummer purchase, Geely can’t complain about a lack of official prop up for its planned purchase of Volvo from Ford. Geely said today to Reuters that they have strong support from the Chinese government, financial and otherwise.

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Geely Plans Volvo Factory In China

Not all too surprisingly, China’s Geely is planning to build a Volvo factory in China once the purchase of Volvo from Ford has closed, Bloomberg reports. The plant will most likely go up in Beijing, but just in case the Beijing government is not providing the adequate support, Geely has two other Chinese cities identified for the facility.

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Volvo Sold To China

As predicted various times on TTAC, Volvo has finally been sold to China. Ford said in a statement that it had agreed to all substantial commercial terms in a deal to sell Volvo to China’s Geely Holding Group, parent of Geely Auto, Reuters has on the wire.

“While some work still remains to be completed before signing, Ford and Geely anticipate that a definitive sale agreement will be signed in the first quarter of 2010,” Ford said. Final closing on the deal is expected for Q2 of 2010.

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A Lenovo-IBM-Like Deal Between Ford And Geely About Volvo?

Unfazed by Swedish unions calling for an investigation into the Ford-Volvo-Geely deal, Geely is getting itself ready to swallow the big Swedish fish. The deal is already being feted as episode two of the takeover of international icons by the Chinese.

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Volvo Deal Sparks Chinese Business Practice Debate In Sweden

Responding to calls by Volvo’s unions for an investigation of Geely, Volvo management is calling the unions’ statements “almost xenophobic.” CEO Stephen Odell, and Personell Manager Björn Sällström of Volvo Cars have sent out letter to their empolyees, urging to modify their attitude towards their potential new employer, Geely. The letter is a response, not only to the unions’ public demand for a Geely investigation, but also the fact that these statements have sparked quite an anti-Chinese-business-methods campaign in readers’ letters to Swedish medias.

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Volvo Unions Call For Geely Investigation

Corresponding with news that Ford and Geely are close to closing the Volvo deal, Volvo’s unions have expressed skepticism towards Geely, even going so far as to ask that the company be investigated. An ownership company based in tax havens, a history of trademark theft, and minimal transparancy have all worried unions within Volvo. Swedish Engineers at Volvo and the Metalworkers have expressed worries over the lack of information regarding Volvo’s future within Geely. “There’s a great information vacuum” says Magnus Sundemo of the Engineers. “We know very little about what the consequences will be if or when Geely takes over Volvo – We need to have more information, and we need reasonable time to examine the information” he continues.

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Volvo/Geely Deal To Be Inked This Week

Chinese Gasgoo is quoting Sweden’s Dagens Industri (DI) as saying that Geely will sign a contract later this week for the intellectual property rights of Ford’s Volvo Cars. Let’s hope everybody has their translations right.

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Jakob Consortium Joins Volvo Bidding
As posted earlier, the American based Crown Consortium finally made an offer, said to be on par with Geely’s, perhaps calculating that Ford will prefer an American buyer to the Chinese. According to Swedish business site Roger Holtback of Crown confirmed to [sub] that the Crown Consortium has made an offer on Volvo. Geely still has the edge, though: according to Ford Spokesman John Gardiner to Wall Street Journal, Geely is still the “preferred bidder.” But that doesn’t mean it’s exclusive.
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Geely Wants To Buy Current Chinese Volvo Ops, Eyes More Battered Brands

We’ve always wondered what would happen with Volvo’s current Chinese joint venture with ChangAn once someone like Geely buys Volvo. Our Best & Brightest openly did “ wonder how this’ll effect Changan which already makes Volvo’s in their JV.” Well, now we know why ChangAn is so sanguine. “ Geely said today that it is interested in buying Volvo’s China operations, if Geely is successful in buying Volvo from Ford, Gasgoo reports.

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  • MrIcky The most surprising thing about this whole article is that I found out somebody actually bought a Fisker after their first bankruptcy.
  • MaintenanceCosts My EV is not a Tesla (Chevy Bolt), but tire life seems typical. We're at 26k miles on the OEM tires and probably have another 10k or so of tread, although the tires are going to time out before we wear them out. That's about what I'd expect from a car of this size driven in a lot of block-by-block city driving.
  • Fred should not the mileage say 250 K and not 250 M? Maybe just to keep us simpletons straight just say 250,000 miles
  • ToolGuy My first question was "why are you selling it" but that question has been asked and answered at the link.
  • Redapple2 31 year pay back