CA Police Department: Tesla Model Y Not Ready for Patrol Duty

Electric vehicles are great at many things, but police work might not be one of them. The Menlo Park police department in California has been testing three Tesla Model Ys, and its takeaways from the trial run show that it might be some time before EVs catch on with mainstream law enforcement agencies.

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  • Jeff I actually like this but the price is at least 20k too high for it to be a sales success along with needing more range.
  • Oberkanone Can't think of a time I named a machine. C30 is a great design aesthetic IMHO.
  • AZFelix "Oh no! Anyway..."
  • 28-Cars-Later Ok so the most affordable BEVs of late seem to be the Chevy Bolt and Nissan Leaf, each of which I think was MSRP'd around 30K. Maybe Nissan profited but I don't think GM did, but I also don't think they took a bath on them either so let's assume the Bolt build cost per unit was about $35K. I realize this is physically larger and with more battery capacity, but have the margins really changed to be this high now? Historically margins were about 10%, so if this was a 45K per unit build it should really be about 50K, maybe 52/53 to account for incentives but this *starts* at 61 and a half. Should Wolfsburg be asking themselves, are we the baddies?
  • Ltcmgm78 Wow! Seventy large! Not in my garage. I figured VW would at least make the two-tone paint available in lesser models, but not to be. I'm sure the first ones will get bought up. You won't see any young families buying one unless Mom and Pop both have six-figure salaries. Maybe a more utilitarian van will follow with a hybrid drive train?