Ford, Aftermarket Tangle Over Collision Replacement Parts

For some time now, there’s been something of a low-scale war going on between OEMs and aftermarket parts suppliers just below the national media radar. The issue: whether or not aftermarket structural parts are as good as OEM parts. Ford has been a major proponent of the OEM-only approach, making the video you see above in hopes of proving that aftermarket parts aren’t up to the job. But the aftermarket is firing back, and they’ve made their own video in direct response to this one, which you can view after the jump.

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  • Plaincraig I am in the lower end of ladder of income ($50,000 a year with OT) I do have a house I bought just before the spike and I stayed within my budget. I was going to buy a new car as my 07 PT Cruiser with 240K is on its last legs. But the home insurance and taxes has doubled my house payment in seven years. Now I am looking for a used car. I could afford a new car in 07. I make more money, not much more after inflation adjustement, but darn I really was looking forward to a new car. I guess better to sleep in house at night then a car
  • The Oracle Won’t be in the market for a good bit myself, but I am liking the turbo I6 offerings lately. The 3.0 T6 in my long-retired company 2012 XC60R finally burnt a valve at 280K and I have a 100K motor/trans going back in for $1300 and a lot of sporadic self performed labor. Been a good vehicle, worth a service life extension.
  • MaintenanceCosts Frustrated seller hit his limit with Italian mechanical tomfoolery, lowballed himself. Hopefully he rethinks, because even with all those miles this is worth a lot more than $3k.
  • Fred If real, this car is probably sold or soon will be. Clean out the fuel, diagnosis the electrical, fix what you want and enjoy or flip onto BAT for $30,000.
  • Zerofoo Europe destroys itself every 100 years or so. The next time they do - we should not save them.