QOTD: Should The Waymo Dude Have a Driver's License?

Jack Baruth
by Jack Baruth

Anybody who has ever had me as a trackday instructor has heard me repeat it over and over again: driving a car quickly and well is a teachable skill. I can take pretty much any healthy, competent adult and get them to within five or six seconds a lap of what Fernando Alonso could do in, say, a Civic Si. That’s why I fell in love with racing cars; after 20 years of competing in various cycling disciplines and being continually punished for everything from my torso length (too much) to my number of functioning anterior cruciate ligaments (one less than optimal) I was all like, “Wait, you mean that all I have to do is move my hands slowly and not be a wuss about corner entry speed?”

True, at the very upper echelons of the sport there are some non-negotiable requirements for physical size, strength, and endurance. In general, however, driving is pretty easy. My eight-year-old son can flick his kart into a nice drift at 45 miles per hour and then thread through a space that is just inches wider than his vehicle. He thinks hitting a baseball is harder than driving a go-kart, and I agree. His stepmother went from not knowing what a Miata was to winning a race in one across the space of 18 months. You get the idea.

Yet there is a species of creature that is generally unable to match my eight-year-old son or 30-something wife for either courage or competence, and that species is called the “modern millennial male.” In the case of Vahid Kazemi, this species is able to get a doctorate in “computer vision learning” but he can’t operate a RAV4 or whatever without pissing himself.

How do you solve a problem like Vahid?

You can read Alex Roy’s takedown of this dude at The Drive, but Alex focuses on Vahid’s inability to understand the subtle distinctions between levels of autonomous driving. I’d like to take a different, and possibly more controversial, tack.

What I want to suggest here is that ol’ Vahid is exactly what you get when you shelter young men and prevent them from ever “seeing the elephant” in the entire course of their pampered little lives. The same might be true for young ladies, but I don’t know because I’m not a young lady and I don’t have any daughters. That’s beyond my area of expertise. But what I can tell you is that if you get into your 20s without being to handle a plain-Jane passenger car in ordinary traffic, and you are not a native New Yorker, I’m going to make a few assumptions about what kind of man you are.

In my opinion, a man who is old enough to get his PhD should be able to drive a car, ride a motorcycle, understand most basic types of machinery, operate a firearm, calculate a tip, handle a confrontation with another man whether through diplomacy or force as required, and take a woman on a date (if that’s his bag, baby) without finishing the night either alone or under investigation for harassment. I’m not saying that you have to engage in the sort of nature-Zoolander cosplay that made former Jalopnik writer Wes Siler a laughingstock. It’s THE CURRENT YEAR and I doubt that any of us will be forced to subsistence hunt in the near future. But young men should be encouraged to learn and develop the skills they will need to be something other than helpless outside of Park Slope or Mountain View.

Were I Vahid’s father, I’d slap him across the face for deciding that the vast majority of humanity isn’t fit to drive a car just because he can’t handle the task. That way lies the dictatorship of the proletariat. And then I’d slap myself across the face for raising someone like that, because the faults of a son have to be traced to a father. End of rant. And it’s not helpful because I’m not Vahid’s father and I don’t know who Vahid’s father is. So, I repeat, and I implore you, dear reader:

How do you solve a problem like Vahid?

Jack Baruth
Jack Baruth

More by Jack Baruth

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2 of 117 comments
  • Rpn453 Rpn453 on Dec 09, 2017

    All the guy needed to do to make his tweet inoffensive to competent drivers who want to maintain the freedom to pilot themselves in the future would be to change his last line to "Some humans aren't designed to drive cars!" That bit of self-deprecation would have been enough to believe that he was joking, or at least that he recognizes his relative incompetence is not universal.

  • Pete Zaitcev Pete Zaitcev on May 30, 2018

    This very much reminds me about the LJ entry of Bram Cohen, the inventor of BitTorrent, where he complained about UI of cars. He really wanted an indicator that showed the steering angle.

  • Dartman Blah blah blah. Methinks some people doth protest too much; hiding something? If it really bothers you so much follow John Prine’s sage advice: “Blow up your TVThrow away your paperGo to the (another?) countryBuild you a homePlant a little gardenEat a lot of peachesTry an' find Jesus on your own"
  • Bd2 Please highlight the styling differences.
  • ToolGuy @Matt, not every post needs to solve *ALL* the world's problems.As a staunch consumer advocate, you might be more effective by focusing on one issue at a time and offering some concrete steps for your readers to take.When you veer off into all directions you lose focus and attention.(Free advice, worth what you paid for it, maybe even more.)
  • FreedMike What this article shows is that there are insufficient legal protections against unreasonable search and seizure. That’s not news. But what are automakers supposed to do when presented with a warrant or subpoena – tell the court to stuff it in the name of consumer privacy? If the cops come to an automaker and say, “this kid was abducted by a perv who’s a six time loser on the sex offender list and we need the location of the abductor’s car,” do they say “sorry, Officer, the perv’s privacy rights have to be protected”?This is a different problem than selling your data.
  • Bd2 Excellent, Toyota has been caught with bad news again. Rejoice!