Several Vehicles Caught Fire at Rivian's Illinois Factory Over the Weekend

While it’s true that EVs don’t catch on fire at a higher rate than gas vehicles, it’s also true that they are exceptionally difficult to extinguish when they do go up in flames. Rivian recently saw several recently-completed vehicles catch fire at its factory in Normal, Ill., which damaged many vehicles but didn’t result in injuries.

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  • Jalop1991 Corvette-C
  • El scotto Rename the Durango the Ramcharger. Pretty much the same customer base.
  • El scotto Has an engine been built or is this a CAD/CAM-only thing?
  • El scotto Uh, isn't the left front the driver's side? It should be the easiest to align and plug in.
  • Theflyersfan This is, hands down, the physical manifestation of the stereotype vehicle for someone with little money wanting something to drive that (he thinks) makes him look final boss style. The kind of car that Circus BHPH on Dixie Highway in Louisville would advertise with huge wax numbers on the windshield trying to rope in the wannabe (insert one: rapper, singer, rapper, drug dealer, rapper, boss of a fictional company, rapper) with promises of low payments and AMG power. With biweekly payments at 30% interest, it's yours today! In the real world, this car is about to hurt someone so badly, their next two generations will still feel like they got clobbered in the groin. In fact, pray someone with slightly fewer brain cells than dollars in their wallet gets this and posts each misadventure on Facebook because I really want to watch the progression from "LOOK WHAT I JUST GOT" down to "blood bank can't take my blood any longer and I'm two payments behind..."