The Upcoming Mercedes-Benz EQG Will Get an Innovative New Battery Design

The Mercedes-Benz G-Wagen is the ultimate symbol of wealth and extravagance in the automotive world, but it might soon stand for something much more practical. California-based Sila, a startup focused on battery materials and design, recently announced that its new silicon anodes would be used in the Mercedes-Benz EQG, an electrified version of the iconic off-roader.

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  • Slavuta Grind rust off your brake rotors early to improve performance and longevity. Don't forget to fill that spare tire. It might be flat when you need it.
  • 28-Cars-Later Suggestion for future QOTD: Given the fact US road infrastructure is crumbling around us why must all new cars have 20+ inch wheels with tires an inch or two thick in sidewall which literally become bent over time bc of potholes? I know initially in the 90s wheels got bigger to accommodate larger disc brakes but its gone a little too far given the road infrastructure don't ya think?
  • Jeff Keep your vehicle well maintained and it will run a long long time.
  • AZFelix "Oh no! Anyway... " Jeremy Clarkson
  • SCE to AUX I can't warm up to the new look. Still prefer my 22 SF.