Dockworkers' Strike Tentatively Resolved After Just Three Days

The much-feared dockworker strike has ended almost as quickly as it began. Union officials and port operators reached a tentative deal after just three days, and while that time may still cause a disruption in the flow of goods across the country, it will be far less impactful than if the two sides had taken longer to come together.

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  • 3-On-The-Tree To Kjhkjlhkjhkljh kljhjkhjklhkjh. Ditto on the eco boost my F-150 didn’t have water pump issues but it went through two rear main seals and both turbos in 80,000mi. Ridiculous. I drive a 2021 Tundra now.
  • THX1136 Thanks for the detailed and delightful read, Corey!
  • Bob cob If everyone is already 20 over its not going to make a damn bit of difference.
  • Theflyersfan Looking at Fiat's sales numbers so far in 2024. This is the entire year up to September 30: 787. That's not one model. That's the entire model range sales numbers in the United States. Bentley sells more cars in the US. They have to be planning on closing up shop again and heading back to Europe only.
  • Theflyersfan I think the Prius Prime is the cheapest (in a way that any vehicle purchased in 2024 is "cheap") plug-in and finding one for sale is all but impossible and the ones that managed to hit a lot tend to have a markup that will buy a lot of fuel that would go into a cheaper and easier to find regular Prius. And with Toyota sticking to their guns with their "allotment system," which has to be leaving sales on the floor, it turns into a major hassle or dedication to find one. I've seen dozens of 2024 Prius(es?) on the streets, but I don't think I've seen a Prime. And then the prices go up even more for other brands. I like the concept of using electricity for short drives and short commutes and convert to a hybrid to get excellent mileage on longer drives. That said, 100,000 miles of a plug-in down the road has to equal some unknown repair bills that will be steep.