QOTD: Are You a Spy Shot Fanatic?

We had spy photographer Brian Williams on our podcast today, and his appearance got me thinking.

Do you enjoy seeing spy shots online and in car magazines?

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  • Redapple2 Legend. Mic drop.
  • Digby Aurora, Trail Duster, Trooper, Colt, Talon...
  • Teddyc73 First of all, 2027?!? Dodge needs vehicles now! Second, this is something American companies do and it's so ridiculous. They have a name that's been around for years which has grown considerable name recognition and then they suddenly discontinue it for a new vehicle with a new name. Chrysler did this only a few years ago with the Town & Country. Dodge flushed the Caravan name down the drain, now Durango. It makes no sense. While I would never buy an Asian car at least they stick with their product names. Honda will never dump the Accord name and rename their midsize sedan something else for example.
  • Teddyc73 A bigger more pressing question, why are automakers now suddenly called "OEMs"? I'm sure "legacy OEM's" isn't far behind.
  • Keith_93 It is so hard to care what car names are used from a company called "Stellantis".