Report: The New Mail Trucks Are Finally Starting to Arrive

After what feels like an eternity, the United States Postal Service (USPS) is finally getting its new mail trucks. While they’re certainly not going to be the prettiest vehicles on the road, they’ll prevent offices from having to source whatever vehicles they can get their hands on while surviving examples of the Grumman Long Life Vehicle (LLV) continue to serve well beyond the point everyone assumed it would have to.

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  • Redapple2 Legend. Mic drop.
  • Digby Aurora, Trail Duster, Trooper, Colt, Talon...
  • Teddyc73 First of all, 2027?!? Dodge needs vehicles now! Second, this is something American companies do and it's so ridiculous. They have a name that's been around for years which has grown considerable name recognition and then they suddenly discontinue it for a new vehicle with a new name. Chrysler did this only a few years ago with the Town & Country. Dodge flushed the Caravan name down the drain, now Durango. It makes no sense. While I would never buy an Asian car at least they stick with their product names. Honda will never dump the Accord name and rename their midsize sedan something else for example.
  • Teddyc73 A bigger more pressing question, why are automakers now suddenly called "OEMs"? I'm sure "legacy OEM's" isn't far behind.
  • Keith_93 It is so hard to care what car names are used from a company called "Stellantis".