Used Car of the Day: 1978 Unimog CASE 406 Turbo

Today we go with another unique find -- we're featuring a 1978 Unimog CASE 406 Turbo.

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  • Frank He wont make it to 2026. They need a CEO for the Euro side and a CEO for the North American side. They can work together on saving money buying tires, toilet paper and leather in bulk but thats where the collaboration ends. The US side has been so poorly run I am surprised the coat tail rider / fake CEO has lasted as long as he has. I like how they usually show him standing in front of a racecar all geared up - but never any of him actually racing. He's a WEF plant designed to turn American icons into woke trash.
  • ToolGuy "Sign off below." You're inviting people to leave? Cool.
  • FreedMike "Is it time to buy a new car?" Way ahead of ya.
  • ToolGuy My next used pickup truck might be a RAM (I know you are excited to learn this).
  • Lou_BC TTAC needs to initiate a Stelantis death watch.