Serbia Eyes Lithium Deals With Major Automakers

TTAC News Staff
by TTAC News Staff
Image: Mercedes

Mercedes-Benz Group AG and Stellantis NV are talking with Serbia’s government about investing in lithium-processing and EV battery production.

Bloomberg reports this move could provide fresh support for what might become Europe’s largest lithium mine. These carmakers, who are already involved in a battery joint venture, are looking to follow Rio Tinto Group’s lead in the proposed $2.4 billion mine in Serbia by also developing processing and EV battery output.

The Serbian government has been pushing for a comprehensive lithium industry rather than just exporting raw materials. This strategy aims to maximize the value derived from the country’s natural resources. Currently, the European Union relies entirely on imported lithium to make batteries. The EU has been trying to develop its own EV supply chain to reduce dependency on imports from Asia.

Image: Stellantis

Serbia plans to sign a framework agreement with the EU on mineral raw materials. President Aleksandar Vucic announced that the initial agreement includes establishing a processing industry and battery production. This would ensure that materials and EVs produced in Serbia qualify for sale in the EU without attracting tariffs. Executives from Mercedes and Stellantis, along with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, are expected in Serbia soon and may sign letters of intent to develop the country’s industry. Executives from Rio Tinto are also expected to attend.

The slow adoption of EVs has resulted in several battery manufacturing projects being delayed. For instance, Mercedes and Stellantis have postponed two of their three planned battery plants in Europe, which were expected to cost a total of €7 billion, due to lower-than-expected vehicle demand. Even if Europe establishes its battery industry, it remains dependent on a raw materials and processing supply chain dominated by China.

This article was co-written using AI and was then heavily edited and optimized by our editorial team.

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  • Tassos 42 k is indeed steep, even in worthless 2024 Cackling Kamala dollars. You omit the most important number, what is the BASE price of this hybrid? if $32k, it's a buy, for those who need this type of vehicle. Which are FAMILIES. Which makes it a REAL PITY that buyers are MORONS and would NOT buy a STATION WAGON version of this, and instead go buy an obese CROSSOVER Highlander, which would have the SAME interior space (or less?) than a Camry Wagon, and costs much more.
  • Chiefmonkey Blander, less powerful, and more expensive than ever. What more could anyone want?
  • MaintenanceCosts So how much power does the second power cycle really generate? I can imagine that if this actually worked its emissions would be very clean.
  • SCE to AUX If you don't do the project, you don't get the money earmarked for it - pretty simple. But if Stellantis is waiting for demand to materialize, it means they've already decided to be followers. Tesla didn't wait for demand to happen when it built its first Gigafactory 10 years ago. They built it in anticipation of the Model 3 and Y high volume products instead of sitting around watching everyone else do nothing.
  • Bd2 TTAC's trolling of it's own readership continues. Soon they will post that video of them all rolling around naked in that Hyundai showroom exposing the real "TRUTH" about TTAC.