Report: Almost Half of America's New EV Sales Are Leases

Chris Teague
by Chris Teague

The rules around federal EV tax credits changed at the beginning of this year, making it more difficult for vehicles to qualify. Even so, buyers can get around the rules by leasing an EV, which opens the door to the full $7,500 credit regardless of the model. That loophole has driven an explosion in EV leases, with recent data showing that almost half of new electric models in the U.S. are leased.

The data comes from S&P Global Mobility and TransUnion. It shows that 48.7 percent of new EVs on America’s roads are leased, up from 33.6 percent in the same quarter of 2023. Financed EVs declined to 34.7 percent, and cash sales accounted for just 16.6 percent.

TransUnion’s executive vice president and head of financial services, Jason Laky, said, “Consumers are once again returning to leasing as an attractive and affordable alternative to financing new vehicles. This allows them to have the features they want at a subscription-like payment model they have become familiar with across products and services today.”

Foreign automakers have seen an even higher rate of customer leases, with German brands like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Audi leasing nearly every EV sold.

While leasing may be a popular way around tax credit restrictions, it’s also a good way to get behind the wheel of a new EV without a long-term commitment. Buyers skeptical of EV longevity or battery life don’t have to sign on for a five-plus-year loan, and the vehicles remain under warranty during the lease period.

[Images: Ford, Volvo, Chevrolet]

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Chris Teague
Chris Teague

Chris grew up in, under, and around cars, but took the long way around to becoming an automotive writer. After a career in technology consulting and a trip through business school, Chris began writing about the automotive industry as a way to reconnect with his passion and get behind the wheel of a new car every week. He focuses on taking complex industry stories and making them digestible by any reader. Just don’t expect him to stay away from high-mileage Porsches.

More by Chris Teague

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3 of 65 comments
  • Lou_BC Lou_BC on Aug 27, 2024
    In the neighbourhood of 25% of all vehicle sales are leases.
    • VoGhost VoGhost on Aug 27, 2024
      But closer to 50% in the price range of most EVs sold today.
  • ToolGuy ToolGuy on Aug 27, 2024
    I would lease an EV if it were really really cheap (meaning: payment close to what I'm currently paying for petrol).
  • Jkross22 The best day to get mail is garbage day. Collect mail then walk by recycling bin and throw nearly all mail in trash. I wonder if they'll use these Scooby vans in cold weather cities where charging will be a crap shoot during cold snaps and battery life will be a joke for the same reason. Should've made a deal for TransitConnect vans. Those things were great. I guess Ford didn't bribe the right people.
  • NJRide Wonder how many pre-downsized domestics were traded for these. Probably 100's of thousands of X-Cars for the later 1980's Accords
  • Fred On a positive note now you can join the Orphan's Car Club
  • FreedMike Buyer to dealer when this hits the lot: "Whaddya mean, it's five grand more than a standard truck and only goes 20 miles on a charge?"