Uber Killing Off Autonomous Trucking Division

Matt Posky
by Matt Posky

Uber is shutting down its self-driving trucks unit due to a lack of progress and the controversy surrounding its multi-million dollar acquisition of Otto in 2016. The firm was purchased with the intent of developing self-driving cargo haulers, potentially saving the trucking company a fortune by outsourcing driving jobs to robots. But it was slow to reach that goal and ran head-on with a serious distraction almost immediately.

Initially, things looked promising. Otto was famous for engineering a truck that hauled a trailer full of beer across 120 miles of Colorado highway without human intervention. But it found a different sort of fame after its founder, Anthony Levandowski, took over as head of Uber’s self-driving car research and Waymo faulted him with handing over trade secrets.

As a former engineer for Google’s autonomous vehicle project (which would later evolve into Waymo), Levandowski was privy to sensitive information he was later accused of selling as part of the Otto buyout.

The associated lawsuit is settled, with Uber agreeing to not incorporate Waymo’s confidential information into its self-driving hardware and software. While this may not have been what led to the firm abandoning its trucking program, it was likely a contributing factor. More likely, Uber simply found itself in a position necessitating it focus primarily on passenger vehicles.

“We recently took the important step of returning to public roads in Pittsburgh, and as we look to continue that momentum, we believe having our entire team’s energy and expertise focused on this effort is the best path forward,” explained Eric Meyhofer, head of Uber Advanced Technologies Group.

With a high-profile fatal incident with a pedestrian in its rearview mirror, the firm likely doesn’t want to pull attention away from the passenger vehicle program. In fact, it has only just reinstated testing in Pittsburgh under the new safety guidelines.

Uber Freight, which connects drivers with shipping clients via a smartphone app, will be unaffected by the decision to eliminate the self-driving truck unit. Employees who find themselves out of a job will be relocated to other internal roles within autonomous vehicle development or awarded a severance package.

[Image: Uber]

Matt Posky
Matt Posky

Consumer advocate tracking industry trends and regulations. Before joining TTAC, Matt spent a decade working for marketing and research firms based in NYC. Clients included several of the world’s largest automakers, global tire brands, and aftermarket part suppliers. Dissatisfied, he pivoted to writing about cars. Since then, he has become an ardent supporter of the right-to-repair movement, been interviewed about the automotive sector by national broadcasts, participated in a few amateur rallying events, and driven more rental cars than anyone ever should. Handy with a wrench, Matt grew up surrounded by Detroit auto workers and learned to drive by twelve. A contrarian, Matt claims to prefer understeer and motorcycles.

More by Matt Posky

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  • Corey Lewis Corey Lewis on Aug 01, 2018

    And there's always one human in a big group photo who isn't looking where they're supposed to. She's in the front row.

  • CobraJet CobraJet on Aug 01, 2018

    This is similar to a company called GreenTech Automotive that took the state of Mississippi for a ride. Their scheme was to build electric cars. They built a shell of a plant building in Robinsonville, MS which looks very similar inside to this one. They hired employees who would move body panels and parts around when the press was there and pretend to be in production. They finally did produce a few small vehicles akin to electric golf carts with full bodies. I don't think any were sold, and probably couldn't meet safety standards. Of note, the founder of this so-called company was former governor of Virginia Terry McAuliffe. They filed for bankruptcy early this year.

  • Tassos The poor man's fake M5. I don't recommend either. They were the last good-looking Bimmers, from 2003 on, the curse of Bangle hit the brand with his ugly stick. But these are, like most of Tim's finds, OBSOLETE 20+ year olds today. PASS regardless of any details.
  • Tassos S class or no class. Lexus LS460 (no other Lexus) "L" with the exec package in the back. These are NOT just ok. they are BY FAR THE BEST, and you need to know your PHYSICS to fully understand why. ....................Don't go with the hooptie Tim likes. You will not only have a LOUSY trip, you will NEVER Arrive. Your (VW, Volvo, SAAB) will end your trip on the side of the road. Probably within walking distance of your starting point. Wise up Tim!
  • Glennbk I was always taught the BMW inline 4 and inline 6's were the best engines of all. Were the V8's of the early 2000's good?
  • Calrson Fan My road trips are on US interstates mostly so for that I'll take my Chevy Tahoe. So comfortable to drive long distances. Often I'm towing & that truck pulls everything I hook to the back of it like a dream. No wonder even after 17 years of ownership I'm in no hurry to get rid of it & when I do it will be replaced by another(newer) GMT-900 Tahoe.
  • Big Al from Oz Hybrid Camrys make for nice taxi cabs. Here cabbies are getting over 500 000km out of their Hybrid Camrys. RAV4s are also being used as taxis, go figure.