Red Flag Car - The Real Thing

Bertel Schmitt
by Bertel Schmitt

When we reported that FAW will revive the monstrous Red Flag CA7600L limousine, it received mixed reviews. Some wanted it sight unseen. Others puked in the corner. Ever since I arrived in China, my secret wish had been to own the real thing, the huge handmade Red Flag car that luminaries used to drive down Chang’an Avenue. I had been told they don’t exist anymore. I had been lied to.

My Dutch Beijing blogging buddy The Tycho found an original Hongqi (Red Flag) CA770 at a Beijing auto show. 1978 vintage, V8 engine. It is undergoing restoration and is absolutely roadworthy, the seller swears.

Prices for good examples are more than $100.000. My Chinese right hand woman recommends against it. She says it “sends the wrong message.” Whatever that may be. And I should buy BMW or Benz instead.

Bertel Schmitt
Bertel Schmitt

Bertel Schmitt comes back to journalism after taking a 35 year break in advertising and marketing. He ran and owned advertising agencies in Duesseldorf, Germany, and New York City. Volkswagen A.G. was Bertel's most important corporate account. Schmitt's advertising and marketing career touched many corners of the industry with a special focus on automotive products and services. Since 2004, he lives in Japan and China with his wife <a href=""> Tomoko </a>. Bertel Schmitt is a founding board member of the <a href=""> Offshore Super Series </a>, an American offshore powerboat racing organization. He is co-owner of the racing team Typhoon.

More by Bertel Schmitt

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  • Neb Neb on Aug 09, 2010

    This is a definite car nut moment. On the one hand, it makes no sense. On the other hand, I understand totally and would get one too if I could. That said, I think at some point Car and Driver road tested the Zil and the Red flag. Maybe Ronnie can help you out with this, but I think they described them as the worst cars ever made.

  • George70steven George70steven on Nov 24, 2010

    If you go for one, an interior redecoration is a must. The old communist party leaders or something the chinese want to forget. online car insurance quotes

  • Tassos VASTLY inferior to the EPA 402 Mile Range TESLA MODEL S, which is also ONE SIZE BIGGER than this POS. AND the S is now a 13 year old model.The losers at Hyundai - Kia took 13 years and STILL cannot even COPY the Model S.
  • Tassos "not too much" power is the most idiotic, meaningless, pretentious crap Caddilac has ever uttered.
  • Arthur Dailey I know that many will disagree, but now when I see a 6th generation 'fluidic sculpture' Sonata, I think, 'hey that is a nice looking sedan'. I am not a fan of the crease that goes from the front doo to the trunk, but other than that, it is a fairly clean design. In just about every sedan or coupe being offered the front end is far too low to be practical. Including the car being reviewed. It scrapes on speed bumps, on many driveways and in snow creates a real issue. One reason perhaps why CUV's outsell sedans/coupes?
  • Lou_BC "word cloud of ideas" Brilliant phrase. Penny pinching GM building a "world class" V8 while following the advice of people fine with malaise era performance. What could go wrong?
  • Jalop1991 are these still sold from a desk in the corner of the Hyundai dealer?