Ford Walks Back DEI Work As Some On the Internet Complain

Walking things back in the face of criticism has become a national pastime in America. Companies have repeatedly rolled out new initiatives, only to have a group complain, leading them to pause whatever the initiative or product might be. Ford is the most recent to do so, following Harley-Davidson and others in scaling back its diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives (DEI).

The automaker recently told workers that it would modify its DEI initiative to allow all employees, and said that it would end its work with the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index. Ford will also stop participating in some “best places to work” programs.

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  • Miguel Perrito totalled about 4 years ago, been pieced together since then. $20k? no way.
  • Ryan Cawdor Easy…Cherokee, Dakota, Trooper(!), Rodeo, Cyclone and Typhoon! Slap’em on new(ly designed) SUVs and bring’em all back…heck, go’on ahead and add Excursion to that list too!!
  • Robert Not in a thousand million years. Makes my purchase of a 2024 Mustang GT look intellectual and well thought out!
  • Jalop1991 Corvette-C
  • El scotto Rename the Durango the Ramcharger. Pretty much the same customer base.