Used Car of the Day: 2004 Volvo C70

A bit late today because of travel to the West Coast, but I present to you a 2004 Volvo C70.

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Used Car of the Day: 2007 Volvo C70

Today's UCOTD is a save-the-manuals special. That's right, this 2007 Volvo C70 has a six-speed stick.

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The Cars We've Lost in 2013

Every year, new cars arrive in the showrooms. Some are brand new to the world, others go through evolutions and revolutions. Yet, every year, some cars are sent off to the showroom in the sky.

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  • MrIcky The most surprising thing about this whole article is that I found out somebody actually bought a Fisker after their first bankruptcy.
  • MaintenanceCosts My EV is not a Tesla (Chevy Bolt), but tire life seems typical. We're at 26k miles on the OEM tires and probably have another 10k or so of tread, although the tires are going to time out before we wear them out. That's about what I'd expect from a car of this size driven in a lot of block-by-block city driving.
  • Fred should not the mileage say 250 K and not 250 M? Maybe just to keep us simpletons straight just say 250,000 miles
  • ToolGuy My first question was "why are you selling it" but that question has been asked and answered at the link.
  • Redapple2 31 year pay back