When to Switch to Winter Tires

We know a solid percentage of the B&B reside in an area devoid of snow and ice, a realization which reliably causes this author to search for real estate in the American southwest or at least in the good parts of Texas. You lot can either click away to another news item or stick around and learn something. Everyone else should continue reading to ensure they’re choosing the correct time to toss some winter rubber underneath their rides when Old Man Winter comes knocking in the snow belt.

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How to Maximize the Lifespan of Your Rugged Terrain Tires

Most gearheads who know a thing or two about the rigs to which they hold the keys will tell you that tire selection is a critical puzzle piece to a successful day on the track or trail. Whether one is trying to break lap records or summit new heights, the proper rubber can make or break the effort.

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  • Kjhkjlhkjhkljh kljhjkhjklhkjh Nope. After a few accidents states will do the same thing they have done to Cruze ETC and ban them long enough that that losses and bad PR will offset any possible meager gains and they will be ''converted'' to fleet vehicles that no-one wants.
  • Noe65816932 Too bad he is leaving , he did a “bang up job “ . He will be missed .
  • Slavuta You want rare ride... here is one. Lada beats Floridian waters
  • Lou_BC In most provinces in Canada you need a M&S or Alpine/snowflake winter rating to be "legal" on highways. In BC it's October 1 to April 30. It just means that if you are in an accident, insurance might not cover your vehicle and you'll be hit with fines. One can get fines or made to park vehicle if pulled over for a traffic violation or vehicle check. If you have tire chains then you'll get told to put them on.
  • Lou_BC Most side by sides I see are for fun. There are performance units roaming the backcountry. I see more sport/utility models in use. They can move at a good clip but can still carry fishing gear or a moose quarter during hunting season.