Drive Notes: 2024 Volkswagen Taos SEL

This week I was testing the 2024 Volkswagen Taos SEL.

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  • VoGhost "The above could be undone by the United States placing extremely high tariffs on Chinese-made automobiles. Donald Trump has even floated this as one of his platforms in the presidential race." How is it possible Matt is unaware that Biden has already increased the tariffs on Chinese EVs from 25% to 100%? HOW?????
  • VoGhost IQS has become meaningless, because its essentially a measure of how amenable the buyer is to change. The top problems are customers not understanding infotainment icons; customers frustrated with Android and Apple CarPlay; and customers not understanding in-vehicle controls. So the "winners" are the companies that make the fewest changes to the interior. How is that a measure of quality? It isn't.
  • The Oracle These laid amazing blankets of blue smoke once the valve guides wore out.
  • Doug brockman Waiting anxiously for the Trump inauguration so all the EV mandates and subsidies can move on to the trash heap of history.
  • Akear It has been said that many automobiles periodicals are just paid advertising masquerading as reporting. In this regard JD powers is probably the most blatant offender. I basically ignore most of what they say.