Used Car of the Day: 2004 Volvo C70

A bit late today because of travel to the West Coast, but I present to you a 2004 Volvo C70.

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  • GrumpyOldMan Many engines get patented. Very few become widely accepted. Most of us are still driving a vehicle with an Otto cycle engine which was developed in the late 1800s.
  • ToolGuy Does it still have head gaskets?
  • SCE to AUX Intriguing, but imagine the repair cost at the Porsche dealer.
  • IBx1 So is this one made in China too? Does this one sell your data to the insurance cabal too? Why is there no physical switch for the HEADLIGHTS? Why are we still using piano black plastic?
  • Bd2 This might work in 3D cad, but no way will that ring gear hold up under this kind of stress on the other side of the piston protected by nothing but the ring seals. I do have faith that Hyundai could license this design and make this work in the production version of the Vision N 79.