Used Car of the Day: 1981 Mercedes-Benz Unimog 406

Today's UCOTD is a bit, uh, different. We're presenting you with a horse of a different feather -- a 1981 Mercedes-Benz Unimog 406. Well, the owner thinks it's a 1981. The model year is unclear.

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  • M B According to Wikipedia, CT was an accomplished race car driver AND degreed engineer before getting into the car business. BTAIM. As a general rule, "engineers" don't make good race car drivers as they are always knowing "the limits" of the machine whereas a "driver" could care less if it breaks as long as he wins.What was FCA was doing good as long as Sergio was alive and overseeing things over here. He had the gumption to let Chrysler be Chrysler, who owned the geese that laid golden eggs.CT would desire to blame the quality issues to "assembly issues", BUT if assembly is good but the parts installed are not good (due to sourcing from less expensive vendors), then THAT issue is on him, not the workers. Even down to the vehicle wiring harnesses! Observation: not many recalls until the last few years. Whose real fault is that?Expect Stellantis sales to keep going down as the whole world now knows about how bad their products have become. Consumers have looonnnngggg memories. Only get a shot at them every 4 years or so, unless they are in 2-yr leases. Project that out!AND CT got a huge amount of money to make these things happen!
  • Lou_BC Replace the skipper after the ship hit the iceberg. Great idea.
  • Macmcmacmac I remember going to a Hyundai dealership with a friend who's 89 Volvo 740 Turbo wagon had become too troublesome to keep on the road. She was quite impressed with this little thing and with a 0% financing option and about $15k price tag, she was ready to purchase. Then I asked about the payments, got the number and the term, did some quick mental calculations and ended up at $22k all in. I asked how this was possibly a 0% financing deal and he muttered something about dealer prep and transport costs. She ended up buying a used 99 Mazda 626 instead, which she loved.
  • SCE to AUX Not now. Maybe in '26 or '27. Running out and buying a new car just because of a mild market improvement would be dumb.
  • Frank He wont make it to 2026. They need a CEO for the Euro side and a CEO for the North American side. They can work together on saving money buying tires, toilet paper and leather in bulk but thats where the collaboration ends. The US side has been so poorly run I am surprised the coat tail rider / fake CEO has lasted as long as he has. I like how they usually show him standing in front of a racecar all geared up - but never any of him actually racing. He's a WEF plant designed to turn American icons into woke trash.