Ask the Best and Brightest: Is The Chevy Spark the World's Ugliest Car?

Robert Farago
by Robert Farago
Robert Farago
Robert Farago

More by Robert Farago

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  • AdamYYZ AdamYYZ on Mar 03, 2009

    It's a leprechaun!

  • Big_gms Big_gms on Mar 03, 2009

    No, it's not the ugliest. Close, but no cigar. The front end of the new Mazda 3 beats it.

  • Big_gms Big_gms on Mar 03, 2009

    It would actually look semi-okay if they'd tone waaaaaaay down on those headlights. They're really too much.

  • DweezilSFV DweezilSFV on Mar 03, 2009

    Not the worst but ranks right down there with the "refreshed" 03-05 Cavalier, last generation Celica and Mitsubishi Montero and the Dodge Caliber.Incoherent beasts, all. Sherman Lin: the first Generation Valiant was referred to as a "Road Toad". A mantle the Dodge Caliber has taken on for the 21st Century. Bimmer: that color is not limited to South Asian appeal. It's a trendy, popular color. It's fashionable ya know? Get that young crowd, like the Aztek was supposed to. Booger is the new black.
