• Kjhkjlhkjhkljh kljhjkhjklhkjh "Hey suppliers? The ultra rich stockholders are asking us to cut costs, but we cant cut any more internally or we get 8 weeks of strikes... can you help us make ultra rich people richer and take money out of your pockets..?"
  • 28-Cars-Later This may be outside of the scope of this august website, but I'd appreciate a deep dive into aftermarket stereo options.
  • 28-Cars-Later "The accused companies include Toyota, Nissan, Subaru, Volkswagen, BMW, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz and Kia — which reportedly told lawmakers that they would supply data to police and other government agencies whenever subpoenaed. However, the agreement signed in 2014 expressly forbids this. The Consumer Privacy Protection Principles stipulates that data never be handed over without a warrant issued by a judge."I seem to recall some scandals in the 00s where ISPs were turning over data to NSA et al upon request... so the reality is since the "Patriot" Act the national security state can already access whatever it needs and anyone who thinks otherwise is beyond naïve. What's changing is private corporations are now also peeking into your life without any legitimate national security reasoning and the courts need to put a stop to this ASAP.
  • Bd2 They built a dedicated test track for a variant of the highly unprofitable Mach E. Hey so long as cowboys in tanktops with electric guitars continue to feature in their adds, Ford won't have any problems offering the #1 selling vehicle in the US.
  • Kjhkjlhkjhkljh kljhjkhjklhkjh Let me get this straight .. they made the app BETTER TO STARE AT WHILE DRIVING... when you are NOT supposed to be staring at a 10 inch screen glued to your dashboard for any length of time?Might as well make cyanide taste like Kool-Aid