Used Car of the Day: 2016 Volkswagen Golf R

Today we bring you a two-owner 2016 Volkswagen Golf R.

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  • Kwik_Shift_Pro4X Looks great, but not for the trappings of a $77,495 CAD base priced EV. 😵‍💫
  • SCE to AUX 85 Lebaron GTS (5-spd, 2.2L non-turbo). Bought in 1988 at 56k miles, ran 12 years to 2000 at 206k miles. Pretty good for an 80s Chrysler. Pittsburgh salt limits a car's lifespan. We also kept our 09 Sedona for 12 years and about 150k miles. Body and drivetrain were perfect; rust ate the subframe and suspension. I don't need to set any car endurance records, and sometimes cars change as needs change.
  • FreedMike Fun fact: dashcams are not new technology.
  • THX1136 Another great article, Corey! I appreciated having similar pix of the '62 which made comparisons easy to note the changes from a visual standpoint.
  • Jalop1991 EVs are dropping off everyone's radar: h**ps://