Used Car of the Day: 2016 Volkswagen Golf R

Tim Healey
by Tim Healey

Today we bring you a two-owner 2016 Volkswagen Golf R.

This one has some mods, including an engine and transmission tune, aftermarket upgrade, springs, and more.

The mileage is 119,000 and our seller says it runs well.

Cosmetically, it looks good in photos -- we can also see, if you didn't already figure it out from the above sentence about modifications, that this car has an automatic transmission.

If this Connecticut-based car interests you, the asking price is $18,500.

Could be a fun little runabout for the right person. Click here to see more.

[Images: Seller]

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Tim Healey
Tim Healey

Tim Healey grew up around the auto-parts business and has always had a love for cars — his parents joke his first word was “‘Vette”. Despite this, he wanted to pursue a career in sports writing but he ended up falling semi-accidentally into the automotive-journalism industry, first at Consumer Guide Automotive and later at He also worked as an industry analyst at Mintel Group and freelanced for, CarFax,, High Gear Media, Torque News,,, among others, and of course Vertical Scope sites such as,, and He’s an urbanite and as such, doesn’t need a daily driver, but if he had one, it would be compact, sporty, and have a manual transmission.

More by Tim Healey

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2 of 10 comments
  • ToolGuy ToolGuy 47 minutes ago
    $175. Final offer.
  • 28-Cars-Later 28-Cars-Later 2 minutes ago
    I just had a realization about something... I learned Copart will deliver a car I buy from them for 90$ as long as its X distance from my rental property which features an alley I can dump a car in... my wallet is now in danger.
  • JMII Sounds like ID.4s will available at very low prices.
  • Big Al from Oz I read somewhere the Ukrainians use electric trail bikes to take them up to the frontlines quietly. Maybe Can Am can donate some to the Ukraine.
  • Big Al from Oz Navistar has a history littered with accounting and engineering issues. Traton (owned by VW) the drivers behind the re-branding of Navistar to International need to turn the business around by transferring people, innovation and money from its owners VW. The truck world really is owned by a few.
  • Whynotaztec Oh good lord they still say things like “solutions provider?” They need to hire some new MBAs
  • Add Lightness The local dealer quoted me $1,500 for a heatpump option on an ID4. Couldn't believe a heatpump was not standard in Canada. That gave me a bad feeling about VW and EVs. Why would anyone spend US$4,500 for the extra weight and lower range of 4WD as the Buzz is hardly going to experience tough conditions that need it? As for the safety of 4WD, they have a higher accident rate here in BC as the drivers are more oblivious to the amount of traction available.