Ask Jack: A Van for No Reasons?

Jack Baruth
by Jack Baruth

It’s best to just admit it: I have van envy. The educated among you will know that van envy, like many other communicable diseases, comes in a few forms. There’s Van Envy A, which is the traditional desire to have a boxy vehicle of some sort in the immediate vicinity for carrying children and accomplishing household tasks; this virus is typically found in the water supply of single-family homes. Van Envy B is indicated by repeated involuntary exclamations of “dajiban!” You catch that from accidental subculture immersion.

Van Envy MTB is when you can’t stop thinking about fitting out a fresh new Transit with a toolbox and internal bicycle mounts so you can take a quick trip to Ray’s Bike Park in Cleveland — or maybe Moab. The most virulent and damaging strain of the disease is Van Envy IG, which manifests in a gnawing sense of envy regarding attractive twenty-something couples who rootlessly travel the West holding drum circles and making love in converted high-roof Sprinters, subsisting on nothing but their income from selling woven bracelets at street fairs and an eight-figure trust fund.

Today’s question comes from someone who is suffering from precisely none of that. Instead, he has another condition. One marked by eroding telomere chains, drying skin, and a growing desire to watch Matlock. Chances are you have it too, although it might not be as severe.

Matthew writes,

Hey Jack,

Like you I’m getting old, but I’m a bit farther along, staring down the barrel at Social Security age. I have a lot of joint pain and think I’m going to let my Outback wagon go. It used to be high enough now it isn’t… It might be time for a minivan. $35,000 or less, going to buy it new, need to get ten years out of it, maybe a bit more. If they’re all the same except for reliability, I guess maybe the Toyota is the one. Am I wrong?

This was actually a pretty long email, but it covered some other topics that aren’t directly related to vans. I get the sense that Matthew is a pretty self-sufficient fellow, which is why he isn’t looking at, say, an Encore or BMW X3. He likes the idea of having the space behind the driver’s seat.

There’s a school of thought that says, basically: minivans are refrigerators, buy the one that lasts longest for the least money. Which, as Matthew intuits, would almost certainly be the Toyota Sienna, which puts clear distance between itself and the next most likely choice, the Honda Odyssey, by virtue of having a more respectable transmission supplier. In Honda’s defense, the company has made some nontrivial commitments to improvement in the decade or so since the era of the glass-gearbox Odysseys and Acura TLs, up to and including the creation of a dedicated transmission plant in northeastern Ohio. (Insiders call it HTM, in case you’re curious.)

With that said, you’d be a fool to bet against the long-term durability of the infamous Swagger Wagon from Toyota. It’s a proven performer in its current and all previous iterations. Just call up an UberXL in any major city if you want proof of that. It’s fit for purpose. There’s nothing wrong with it. Even the price is right; when a friend of mine went shopping for one last year I was frankly amazed at how much Sienna you can get for a transaction price of under $30k.

Ah, but let’s take a moment and view Matthew for what he is: a fellow who very well might be buying his last car. Any time you have someone in their sixties talking about getting a decade-plus out of a purchase, it’s a fair bet that they aren’t planning to replace it with a Huracan at the age of seventy-eighty. I think Matthew is entitled to a little surprise-and-delight, even at the expense of resale value or some additional maintenance expenses down the road.

For that reason and a few others beside, I’m kind of sweet on the idea of a loaded-up Chrysler Pacifica. The new model hasn’t been totally trouble-free on debut, and I’m fully aware of its likely deficiencies in service life compared to a Sienna, but do me a favor if you have time: open up the doors of both a Pacifica and a Sienna and have a seat for a few minutes. The Sienna is all Playskool knobs and wide open spaces of undifferentiated light-texture plastics, but the Pacifica has gloss and polish and chrome and, perish the thought, a bit of actual grown-up design in the thing.

The Toyota looks like what it is: a durable box for unruly children, now entering its second decade of existence without much change. The Pacifica, by contrast, is a distinctly new ride, and it has just a smattering of ’76 Cordoba, a touch of glamour. It’s also a bit sharper and more rewarding to drive. Put it this way: if you were going to choose a minivan for a cross-country trip and you didn’t have to pay for it, a sane person would almost certainly choose an optioned-up Pacifica over all the other contenders.

When you get right down to it, the whole Van Envy thing is really a manifestation of the wish to have a little more excitement and adventure in our lives. If we have imagination, we see ourselves going somewhere and doing something in a van. Matthew is also on a journey, although he might not think of it that way. He’s rounding third base on the home run of life. Why not have a little pleasure out of the trip’s final leg?

[Image: Fiat Chrysler Automobile]

Jack Baruth
Jack Baruth

More by Jack Baruth

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  • Phlipski Phlipski on Jul 19, 2018

    I just finished cross shopping the big 3 minivan makers (Chrysler/Honda/Toyota) and put my money down on a new Pacifica. The Sienna's interior is clearly dated when sitting next to the Odyssey and Pacifica. The captains chairs in the second row when optioned right are pretty sweet though - they slide back and have a foot rest. I can see 4 "mature" people with their luggage driving around in that thing and it's like a private jet. For folks with kids it comes down to the Honda and Pacifica, and that stow and go is hard to ignore. I'll mostly keep those seats up but that floor trunk space is amazing for road trips. For the same feature set I picked up a Pacifica for about $5k less than the comparable Honda. I couldn't convince the wife to get behind that blacked out s-line trim on the Pacifica, but damn is it NICE!!!

  • Hellenic Vanagon Hellenic Vanagon on Feb 26, 2020

    The Syncro Heresy has the answers.

  • Tassos Good job, Senile, Corrupt Idiot-in-Chief.And when Inflation doubles again under your failed watch, LIE again that it was .. 9% when you took office, while THE REAL inflation then was less than 2%!Disgusting imbecile....
  • Wjtinfwb Glad to see Toyota hanging in there with sedans. It's a bit clunky looking but no worse than a new BMW 7-series at 1/3 the price. More power would be nice but Toyota is married to the Hybrid/4-cylinder configuration. As this package gets refined I expect it will be come the norm.
  • Wolfwagen The last couple of foreign vehicle manufacturers that tried breaking into the U.S. Mainstream Vehicle Market had a very hard time and 1. Couldn't get past the EPA regulation side (Mahindra) or 2. had a substandard product (Vinfast).
  • Midori Mayari I live in a South American country where that is already the case; Chinese brands essentially own the EV market here, and other companies seem unable to crack it even when they offer deep enough discounts that their offerings become cheaper than the Chinese ones (as Renault found when it discounted its cheapest EV to be about 15% cheaper than the BYD Seagull/Dolphin Mini and it still sold almost nothing).What's more, the arrival of the Chinese EVs seem to have turbocharged the EV transition; we went from less than 1% monthly EV market share to about 5% in the span of a year, and it's still growing. And if — as predicted — Chinese EV makers lower their production costs to be lower than those of regular ICE cars in the next few years, they could undercut equivalent ICE car prices with EVs and take most of the car market by storm. After all, a pretty sizeable number of car owners here have a garage where they could charge, and with local fuel and electricity prices charging at home reduces fuel costs by over 80% compared with an ICE car.
  • FreedMike So...Tesla does no marketing except to justify Elon Musk's pay. Mmmmmkay...