China On A Deadly Brand Binge

Bertel Schmitt
by Bertel Schmitt

If your dearest wish is that the Chinese car industry will implode, then you should pray that the Chinese remain on strategy. For whatever inconceivable reason, the Chinese car industry has embarked on a plan, which – if properly executed – will mean its assured destruction.

Government planners tell Chinese car manufacturers: “Create successful brands.” Manufacturers reply as a chorus: “Yes, we will create as many brands as possible.” Every second word at the Chengdu conference appeared to be “brand.” If Chinese carmakers will do what they say – and they appear to be utterly committed – then China will soon wallow in a sea of car brands nobody has ever heard of, and nobody will ever be able to remember. Sometimes, it feels as if it is the long-term goal to give each and every of the 1.3 billion Chinese his or her individual car brand.

It’s not that there is a shortage of brands already. Nobody has an exact number, but the guesses are over 100. Soon, that number could easily double. BAIC alone announced today that it will add 9 new brands on short notice. Others have similar plans.

At the same time, speakers at the conference named many reasons why it is less than prudent to create many brands.

  • “Our brands have low name recognition.” But nobody warns that it costs untold sums of advertising money to create this recognition.
  • “We compete against brands that sometimes are over 100 years old.” But nobody warns that a new brand can take decades to be successful – if it doesn’t succumb to crib death.
  • “The multinationals invest a lot of money into advertising.” But nobody warns that already small budgets will get increasingly smaller when spread over many brands.
  • “Customers expect to pay 20 percent less for homegrown brands.” But nobody says that it is more lucrative to stay with the brands we know.
  • “Consolidation is a given.” But nobody says that the easiest way to consolidate is to trim down brands.

While large car companies the world over prune their brand portfolios, Chinese carmakers are turning from car factories into brand factories. Joint ventures that have successful and well-known brands are urged to create new unknown brands. The knowledge and grasp of branding appears to be rudimentary. Colleagues in the business say that often, “branding” in China begins and ends with developing a logo.

Developing a new cars brand is risky, costs untold amounts of time and money. China appears to be dead-set to embark on this treacherous, costly and long journey with a highly doubtful return. In the bad old days, GM tried to leverage the equity remaining in existing brands by sticking their badges on the same body. Even the smallest carmaker in China appears to be bent on being a miniature GM. Except that now unknown badges are stuck on the same body.

Bertel Schmitt
Bertel Schmitt

Bertel Schmitt comes back to journalism after taking a 35 year break in advertising and marketing. He ran and owned advertising agencies in Duesseldorf, Germany, and New York City. Volkswagen A.G. was Bertel's most important corporate account. Schmitt's advertising and marketing career touched many corners of the industry with a special focus on automotive products and services. Since 2004, he lives in Japan and China with his wife <a href=""> Tomoko </a>. Bertel Schmitt is a founding board member of the <a href=""> Offshore Super Series </a>, an American offshore powerboat racing organization. He is co-owner of the racing team Typhoon.

More by Bertel Schmitt

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4 of 11 comments
  • Zarba Zarba on Oct 13, 2011

    It' just an emerging industry, like the US car business from 1910-1930. Brands popping up,flaming out, and disappearing, while others catch on and thrive, swallowing up the weak players. In 10 years or so, they'll have shaken this all out. I'm surprised they haven't bought more defunct names; Packard, Stutz, Hipano-Suiza, Delahaye, Delage, etc., for the instant name recognition.

    • See 1 previous
    • RogueInLA RogueInLA on Oct 14, 2011

      @MrWhopee Only if they're not going to sell them in the countries they were originally sold in. I can't imagine that anyone in the United States who recognizes the names would buy a Chinese car because it had a Packard etc name on it, the cars would get ridiculed. Oh wait, you put Edsel in there... sorry, didn't get the sarcasm at first, carry on.

  • Sprocketboy Sprocketboy on Oct 14, 2011

    I like the faux-Bentley logo (with an "R") in the top right corner of the photo. The world needs more distinct car logos. Couldn't they have hired someone on the Internet to come up with something original since nobody is going to mistake that car for a Bentley.

  • Fred OK so folks don't like 4 cylinder hybrids in their $100,000 Mercedes. Do we really think sales will increase that much with twice the cyliners and another $30,000 price increase? Then again I'm seeing luxury buyers are kind of immune to inflation these days, so what do I know about this market.
  • Chris P Bacon "Ford sold Five Hundreds and Montegos just for the 2006-2007 model years and then hurriedly renamed them the Taurus and Sable."Nope, they were sold as 2005s as well. I had an '05 500 Limited. Ran it hard, around 20k a year. But it was a great highway car, the 3.0 Vulcan motor wasn't fast but it regularly turned high 20s MPG. I had the HVAC solenoid issue, but it never left me stranded. 220k when it got totaled by a piece of I-75 south of Detroit that got thrown at me by a truck. Michigan is finally rebuilding that piece of road now.
  • SCE to AUX If hot girls could actually sell cars, Mercury would be the nation's best-selling brand.Instead, it ultimately comes down to the cars, the price, and mfr support.
  • SCE to AUX Next time, position some artwork outside the plant so they can splash paint on it instead.
  • Theflyersfan I guess he heard all of the stories about how his family treated protesters in pre-1994 South Africa and was jealous... Maybe he needs to read onto the next chapter about what typically happens to leaders and bosses who don't take these protests seriously. Hint: Usually doesn't end well.