Horses, Porsche to Formula 1, and the Future of Internal Combustion

In 1921, there were more than 25 million horses in a United States populated by less than 110 million humans. I’m not a mathematographer, by any means, but I think that puts us at a ratio of about one horse for every four-ish people out there. And, just like there are many kinds of people, there are many kinds of horses, too. There are Quarter Horses, paints, Arabians, Appaloosas, and – of course – Thoroughbred racing horses.

Something strange has happened in the last hundred years, though. There are a lot more people and a lot fewer horses, for one thing – just 3 million horses for a whopping 330 million Americans – but it’s a curious thing that there are a lot more Thoroughbreds in 2021 than there were in 1921. What’s more, it’s almost certain that the meticulously bred horses spending their 21st Century days in luxurious stables are serving a vastly different purpose than their hard-working forbears.

You see where I’m going with this, right?

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Rolling [Gasified] Coal: Gas Bag Vehicles

The autoblogosphere is abuzz with the topic of “ rolling coal“, apparently the practice of some diesel pickup truck enthusiasts who fiddle with their fuel systems so as to produce voluminous clouds of dense black, sooty exhaust smoke. I have to admit that when I first saw the phrase “rolling coal” in a headline at Jalopnik I thought it had something to do coal gasification and running cars on wood gas or syngas. After finding out that rolling coal wasn’t what I thought it was, I did look into the history of powering motor vehicles on wood gas and ended up finding out about these rather odd looking cars and trucks known as gas bag vehicles. Frankly they’re more interesting to me than whether or not pickup truck driving bros are blowing smoke in the faces of Prius drivers. I believe that you’ll find these vehicles interesting as well.

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  • Rover Sig Toyota knows a think or two about making cars, and what the market wants.
  • MaintenanceCosts Depends on the teen.My older one is cautious by nature. I'm pretty comfortable having him drive whatever. He'll be driving in five years and if we still have it that might be the right time for him to take over our Bolt.My younger one, three years younger, is the one who terrifies me. He is a daredevil and wants a sportbike. If I could get a slower-than-molasses car with a stick (to force him to concentrate), relatively large size, and modern safety features, it would be the answer. Unfortunately I'm not aware of any such car. So I'll look for something slow, FWD-based, and not too prone to tipping over. A used Corolla Cross seems like about the right idea.
  • Lorenzo The Aussie Zeta platform was very good, practically copied by GM for the Alpha RWD platform, and these full size cars, or their alpha successors, would have been excellent sellers if not for the bankruptcy. GM might even still be building RWD cars!
  • Sobhuza Trooper Yes.
  • Sobhuza Trooper QUESTION: What's the Best Car for Your Teen?ANSWER: Volvo 244DL station wagon.