Buy/Drive/Burn: Forgotten Offerings From Lexus in 2012

Car manufacturers don’t always strike a chord with consumers, and even studious brand Lexus is not immune from model flops. Back in 2012, the company offered three compact vehicles nobody wanted.

Today you’ll select one to take home for keeps, whether you like it or not.

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  • 28-Cars-Later $186,000 for a model they apparently can't sell and they still have the nerve to charge for financing. I hope they take a bath on it. Additional: I realize there are still some real models available but hideous and morbidly obese Karenwagen is the exact opposite of a true BMW. Resembling a Chevy Traverse minivan in the profile shot isn't a Teutonic staple either.
  • 28-Cars-Later "Monitor Neil Barofsky [,litigation partner at Jenner & Block LLP,] opened an investigation in February to review allegations, including that  UAW Secretary-Treasurer Margaret Mock said she had faced retaliation for her refusal or reluctance to authorize certain expenditures for Fain's office, according to the filing. Barofsky also opened a probe into Mock's actions."Hmmmm, so strip club visits? Petty cash anomalies? Bribes? What could he be charging the de facto controller refused to sign off on?
  • Jalop1991 I've said for many years: union members need to unionize against union management.
  • Rna65689660 WHAT?! Unions corrupt? No friggen way!
  • SCE to AUX Today, "traitor" = "you didn't let me do things my way".